MalinPay specializes in providing employers with a choice of hiring employees while avoiding all the related labor law problems.
An employer who hires employees, is required to issue pay slips to each one of them and also to pay income tax, social payments (health tax, social security, pension) and allocate money to the dismissal compensation and convalescence pay. Hold leave and sickness report and be subject to labor law inspections.
In order to do this, the employer has to manage records at the tax authorities, including Income Tax and National Security, and as of lately – also to report allocations to the pension fund and the dismissal compensation fund.
Furthermore, Hiring employees without the knowledge of their actual skills may cause the employer severe damages.
We can spare you the entire trouble by making your workers our employees, while actually they will continue working for you.
?How does it work
MalinPay offers you an innovative and legal way to employ your staff via "reverse outsourcing".
Regular outsourcing is already used by many Israeli employers, who let outsourcing firms recruit workforce for their use.
While de facto working for you, these employees are officially employed by the outsourcing company.
An employer issues to the outsourcing company a global monthly payment for the services rendered by the employees, while the outsourcing company produces pay slips and pays the salaries.
MalinPay has perfected the system. Now you can recruit your staff by yourself, and then the outsourcing kicks in: your workers will be officially employed by us, and we will manage the entire employer-employee relationship. Your company will pay us a monthly payment of all the salaries combined plus 5% commission and VAT, against a legit tax invoice.
The main advantage of this system is that we relieve you of the entire entanglement of the employer-employee relationship.
Our company has vast experience in this field and it has been founded to provide particularly effective solutions to self-employed persons and employing companies. We specialize in financial solutions for private and corporate markets. Our company is managed by businessmen and experienced specialists and monitored by an auditor and a legal advisor.
Advantages for the employers
A new way of indirect employment without employer-employee relationships.
In this framework you employ your workforce as "external employees", without any obligations and bureaucracy, such as issuing pay slips and paying taxes.
You retain the right to switch back to the direct employment of your workforce without any "exit fee".
We will provide you with our comprehensive service in exchange for a small commission of up to 7.5% plus VAT.